This is a series of portrait sketch. Leo647 started sketching portraits from 2017. And everything starts from this one.
Leo found that all the sketches drawn by charcoal pencil are way too heavy because there is few details in the shadow. As a result, Leo decided to use tortillons to wipe away the charcoal and focused on the details in the shadow.
This painting is the improvement of the last one, which shadow seems more fluently.
Since then
Portrait of Paulo Dybala
- 2017.05.06
Portrait of Aloys Chen
- 2017.06.30
Portrait of Emma Watson
Portrait of Kristen Stewart
- 2018.03.07
Portrait of Aragaki Uyi
Portrait of Unknown Model
Portrait of Natalie Portman
Portrait of Audrey Kathleen Hepburn
Portrait of Unknown
Portrait of Yiguai